Saturday, 16 June 2007

Bye Bye Balloch

This is it, the end draws near. We are packing out our house Tuesday and Wednesday and make the move up to mooch off of Emily and Mike Thursday. It would be easy to focus on the things I'll miss like; Emily, Branston's pickle, and Wagamama's. I choose instead to focus on the things I'm looking forward to like; the rest of my family, Mexican food, cars bigger than the Volvo, and Target. But before we go here are a few last photos.
Emily and Abi in the sun tent during some beautiful weather.
Abi models her new suit (yes over her clothes).
Abi enjoys the Scottish beach in the sunshine (yes it really exists).
More Scottish beach.
Abi in the Abbey in Edinburgh.
Abi carries her own lunch during a picnic in Edinburgh.