Day 1, Wednesday, 21 Mar 07, Balloch to Venice: Out of the house at 11:00, right on time. 11:14 arrive at airport...damn that was a quick drive, way ahead of schedule! 13:40 Fly from Glasgow to London. 4 hour lay over in London (that's what you get when your flight from London to Venice costs 99pence!) Abi is tired, tired, tired, but won't sleep. Finally a little nursing behind our mountian of baggage gets her down. 18:25 at Ryan Air gate for flight- sorry, babies don't get priority boarding- I hate Ryan Air. Terminal is hot, line is long, standing in line, waiting, terminal is hot, baby starts crying and complaining (and it's warranted), flight is delayed- I HATE Ryan Air. Finally arrive Venice 22:30 Local. How do we get to our hotel.....hold up, how do we get to Venice (some mis-communication on trip planners' parts) The airport is not really in Venice. Thankfully public transportation comes through and we catch the bus to Venice. 50 mins later arrive Venice....okay now what, water taxi (Vaporetto) to St. Mark's. Water this thing sea worthy?? John having flash backs to a black cold night in Norway, thankfully engine doesn't seize or fall off and we arrive St. Mark's. Lugging bags through Venice, waded through a few puddles but thankfully my tracking skills found the hotel straight away. 01:30 on day 2, Finally at the hotel- Abi has been awake for most of the trip with exception of a few cat naps here but still manages to give us a 06:45 wake up call- Does this baby sleep??
Day 2, Thursday, 22 March 07, Venice:After our 06:45 wake up call, we managed to play/nap until 0900 when we started our day. Reception recommended a local place for breakfast and it wasn't bad (but really Italians don't do breakfast). Coffee and sarnies at a local cafe. Place was nice- met a guy from L.A. Another disclaimer- we haven't heard so many American accents since moving to the UK. Roamed the streets of Venice, lovely place, not pram friendly, but lovely. Another coffee in a Piazza, enjoying the sun. Abi sporting her new shades. More bimbling (walking) Pizza for lunch, in the sun, aahhhh Venice. Thought we'd check out St. Mark's Bascillica, but no bags allowed (we'll come back, it's only 1 1/2 minutes from our hotel). Got tickets for the Doge's Palace for tomorrow and then took the Vaporetto around the Grand Canal. Met a nice young couple from Seattle. Had a nice chat, which brings up a a good question about couple-vacation etiquette. Do you exchange names? numbers? e-mails? Seemed like cool people, probably cool to hang out with...what do you do? Back to the room, Sandwiches from the deli across the street, shower and bed. Nice thing about having Abi excuse to go to bed early!
Day 2, Thursday, 22 March 07, Venice:After our 06:45 wake up call, we managed to play/nap until 0900 when we started our day. Reception recommended a local place for breakfast and it wasn't bad (but really Italians don't do breakfast). Coffee and sarnies at a local cafe. Place was nice- met a guy from L.A. Another disclaimer- we haven't heard so many American accents since moving to the UK. Roamed the streets of Venice, lovely place, not pram friendly, but lovely. Another coffee in a Piazza, enjoying the sun. Abi sporting her new shades. More bimbling (walking) Pizza for lunch, in the sun, aahhhh Venice. Thought we'd check out St. Mark's Bascillica, but no bags allowed (we'll come back, it's only 1 1/2 minutes from our hotel). Got tickets for the Doge's Palace for tomorrow and then took the Vaporetto around the Grand Canal. Met a nice young couple from Seattle. Had a nice chat, which brings up a a good question about couple-vacation etiquette. Do you exchange names? numbers? e-mails? Seemed like cool people, probably cool to hang out with...what do you do? Back to the room, Sandwiches from the deli across the street, shower and bed. Nice thing about having Abi excuse to go to bed early!

Day 3, Friday, 23 Mar 07, Venice:0700 Wake up call- Thanks Abi. Out and about just past 9. 45 minutes of walking and Abi finally goes back to sleep. Stopped in St. Mark's Piazza for coffee and croissants- $40 later- and you thought Starbucks was expensive- it was the best coffee I ever had...I might be lying but at $15 a cup, that's my story. Toured the Basilica...very nice. Main attraction was the alter piece made with more than 1500 precious gems/stones. Ya know you're an engineer when you're more impressed with the revolving mechanism that swivels the whole thing around so the congregation can see it than you are with the bling. Lunch- Pizza again......Ahhhh Venice. Back to hotel for some Abi play time. Then toured the Doge's Palace. Big place, cool prisons, Abi = angel. Back to hotel for some Abi play time (our hotel was very centrally located 2 minutes from all these places...good job Hil). Back out on the street in the late afternoon, had drinks in the sun and then to St. Mark's Piazza to play with the pigeons. Hilary was totally grossed out "They're Rats with wings!!" But Abi enjoyed them and I tried to play Dr. Doolittle.

Day 4, Saturday, 24 March 07, Venice:Walked most of Venice (from Hotel to Train Station). Got our tickets for tomorrow's journey. Stopped along the way for coffee in the sun of course and also to walk through a local fish/flower/produce market. After the train station headed to the Ghetto- yes the original Ghetto. Quiet, sunny, pleasant walk. Vaporetto to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. Mostly modern art, had an exhibit of Richard Poullette Dart- we liked his stuff- bought the magnet! More walking and coffee. Then to the Gondola repair shop and a Gelato....mmmmmm Gelato. (The main difference between Gelato and ice-cream (as I've read) is Gelato has no air and usually more egg yolk and less cream- so although richer it's less fat- FYI). One tired baby on our hands... back to the hotel for bed.

Day 5, Sunday, 25 March 07, Venice-Orvieto (by train via Bologna): Vaporetto to train station, breakfast, then onto train. Spaniards sitting next to us....looking "thrilled" to have a baby next to them. Abi of course charmed their socks off and they didn't mind after all. Transfer in Bologna- I turn into the dumb American and jump on the train fearful it will leave before I make it to the right car. 4 days later I finally make it the right car and find Abi and Hil. (At one point I had pieces of luggage in three different cars at the same time...oh yes, I'm impressive). An American couples joined us in our compartment (seated 6). They were celebrating their 40th anniversary. Very nice people, from Michigan. Arrived in Orvieto and took a taxi to our Agroturissmo destination- La Rocca Orvieto. Beautiful views! Absolutely beautiful. We are the only to's great. Had a great dinner, Hil had the rabbit, I had the veal, locally produced olive oil and wine- all PRIMA!

Day 6, Monday, 26 March 07, Orvieto: Abi Turns 11months Old! I got a lift to town and picked up a rental car (we really were in a very remote location). Picked up the ladies in my pimping Lancia and headed to a local recommend- Chavita. Old city, accessible only by a foot bridge....a foot bridge with a decent grade. More beautiful views. Back in the car to old Orvieto. Had a good lunch.....Abi of course charmed the socks off a North American tour group. She loves an audience! Back to the "ranch" to relax.

Day 7, Tuesday, 27 March 07, Orvieto: Back on the road in the morning- 2 hrs later in another lovely hill town, Pienza. Had coffee on the street of love. Abi really started getting enthusiastic about walking (with aid) at this point, we walked back and forth in front of the cafe. Had a picnic in the car, where Abi showed off her driving knowledge (quite impressive really, it looks like she has a good idea of what driving is all about...there's video footage somewhere). Back to Orvieto for a lazy, playing afternoon. The local cats stopped by our patio and Abi had fun pointing/chasing them. Had another good meal at the "ranch." Abi made friends with the waitress (we were the only diners again). Stefani even got a cuddle as we left.

Day 8, Wednesday, 28 March 07, Orvieto to Rome (via train): Got to the train station 1 1/2 early (had to be done to return the rental). Sat in the sun outside the station admiring the day. Train was late, but we weren't too bothered. 1 1/2 later arrived in Rome. Our driver was waiting, sign and all (I'm becoming a very big fan of having staff, it sure beats hauling luggage up and down stair onto an unknown metro system). Owner of our flat was waiting for us. Got shown around....great apartment (1 bedroom/loft style), very modern, just renovated, tags were still on all the pots/pans/towels. Amazing picture window views of St. Peter's Basilica, plus two balconies with the same view. Unloaded our stuff, grabbed the stuffed suitcase of dirty clothes and headed to the Laundrette and supermarket. The laundry said it was self serve, but some Italian ladies were quite insistent that they would do it. So we dropped off the laundry and headed to get supplies. Picked up the laundry 1 hr later.....did I say I was a fan of staff...I LOVE STAFF.

Day 9, Thursday, 29 March 07, Rome: Rough night, Abi woke at 11 with a fever and in hysterics, vomited on dad (the start of many such nights). Thankfully we packed smart and has some medicine for fevers, calmed her down and got back to sleep. Got a late start due to the rough night. Plan was to do the Vatican Museum. Got there an hour after opening and the line was 4 blocks long....decided we'd try again. Went to St. Peter's Basilica instead. AMAZING Church!! Currently the largest church in the world (St. John's in NYC will be bigger if ever completed- FYI). The scale is unbelievable. Abi made friends with some Chinese girls. They asked if they could have their picture taken with her because she was so cute. She got a little shy though when one of the girls went to hold her, so no picture. I'm still proud though, in one of the most beautiful churches I've ever been in and my little girl was the big draw :). The basilica closed early due to Easter preps and the rumored arrival of the pope- never saw him. I tried to get to the top of the dome, but unfortunately it was closed. Pizza for lunch....ahhh Italy. Called it an early day, everyone was feeling a little rough. That's definitely a plus with a flat, come and go and lounge as you please.

Day 10, Friday, 30 March 07, Rome: Early start, on the 0815 train to the Metro stop at Roma Ostiente. Metro to the Colosseum and waited for our guided tour. Tour group consisted of us, a youngish couple from California, and a weird dude from Hawaii. The guy from Cali sounded just like my British shipmate's US accent impression ( I had to stop myself from laughing out loud a couple of times - us Americans are sure "nasal" in our speech). Our tour guide was okay, a girl in her late twenties I would guess, not a great story teller by any stretch of the imagination. What made matters worse was her boss was following the group, critiquing her performance. Every time he jotted something down in his notebook she lost her train of thought. Visited the Colosseum, Arch of Constantine, Arch of Titus, the Forum, Caesar's grave (more appropriately- fire pit), and other interesting ruins. Tour ended just after one.....straight to lunch, Pizza......I love Italy. Bimbled around town, walked to the Pantheon and then to Piazza Navona, unfortunately the fountain was under repair. Kept going to St. Peter's Basilica, had a Gelato, people watched and enjoyed the sun.

Day 11, Saturday, 31 March 07, Rome: Out of the flat by 0900 to see if the line to the Vatican was any shorter. Right! 4 blocks try 6 blocks long. We'll come back. Continued on walking to Trevi Fountain. Abi threw in a coin by herself, so she's destined to come back to Rome (dad threw one in too, someone has to chaperon) Bimbled north, a coffee on the way and then lounged on the Spanish steps. Continued to Piazza Del Popolo, Abi saw her first horse....very excited. Couldn't get too close because "it might bite," we think she thought it was a big dog, but who knows. She actually cried when we finally left. Pizza for lunch at a guide book recommended place, wasn't great, but staff was friendly. Abi melted down a little and took dad with her ( a nap was desperately required). Walked around killing time before the "discount designer" store opened. 250 euro for a scarf.....this is a discount?!! How do people afford the full price stuff. Picked up BBQ supplies on the way to the flat, our first BBQ of the year, steak in Rome overlooking the Basilica. Not bad.

Day 12, Sunday, 1 April 07, Rome: Lazy Sunday...April Fools! Like we know the definition of Lazy when we're on vacation. Walked to Trastevere (the arty area). Ended up at a play park and Abi made some friends. Julio was 11 months old too, Dad Italian, Mom Brazilian. His dad spoke very good english, turned out he lived in Miami for 5 years trying to make it as a professional golfer. Went lunch at a place recommended by the golfer. Great pasta! Back to the flat...lots of walking, everyone is tired.

Day 13, Monday, 2 April 07, Rome: Early start so we can see the Vatican. In line 1/2 hour before opening, only two blocks long....not bad. An hour after opening, the line hasn't moved...what's up. A spanish man in front of us, mentions to us about babies having priority for entry, news to us. Hilary takes a walk with Abi, sure enough, the gates don't actually open until 10 to the general public (1 hour and 15 minutes after we thought they'd open) and babies do get priority entrance. She walked the 2 blocks back to me and we made it to the front of the line right at 10 when the gates opened and we were the first ones in!!! Made a bee line for the Sistine chapel since Abi was sleeping at this time. Very impressive ceiling...didn't realize it was so 3 dimensional! Abi woke up while in the chapel and she was impressed too, giving the ceiling a big wave! Continued through the museum and ended back at the start. Hil wanted to go back in and take some more time and see the Raphael rooms. It might have been an ill advised move, the place was heaving by this point, but we managed to get through again....just barely. Lunch at the Vatican cafe. Souvenior shopping on the way home, Hil got a fake prada purse for 17 euro, not bad considering the guy wanted 55 to start. That's it back to the flat to pack and play and get ready for our 04:40 pick-up to the airport.
1 comment:
Love the play-by-play! Did you try to teach Abi any Italian?
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